/* Game of Life
 * Implemented in TypeScript
 * To learn more about TypeScript, please visit http://www.typescriptlang.org/

namespace Conway {

	export class Cell {
		public row: number;
		public col: number;
		public live: boolean;

		constructor(row: number, col: number, live: boolean) {
			this.row = row;
			this.col = col;
			this.live = live;

	export class GameOfLife {
		private gridSize: number;
		private canvasSize: number;
		private lineColor: string;
		private liveColor: string;
		private deadColor: string;
		private initialLifeProbability: number;
		private animationRate: number;
		private cellSize: number;
		private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
		private world;

		constructor() {
			this.gridSize = 50;
			this.canvasSize = 600;
			this.lineColor = '#cdcdcd';
			this.liveColor = '#666';
			this.deadColor = '#eee';
			this.initialLifeProbability = 0.5;
			this.animationRate = 60;
			this.cellSize = 0;
			this.world = this.createWorld();

		public createWorld() {
			return this.travelWorld( (cell : Cell) =>  {
				cell.live = Math.random() < this.initialLifeProbability;
				return cell;

		public circleOfLife() : void {
			this.world = this.travelWorld( (cell: Cell) => {
				cell = this.world[cell.row][cell.col];
				return this.resolveNextGeneration(cell);
			setTimeout( () => {this.circleOfLife()}, this.animationRate);

		public resolveNextGeneration(cell : Cell) {
			var count = this.countNeighbors(cell);
			var newCell = new Cell(cell.row, cell.col, cell.live);
			if(count < 2 || count > 3) newCell.live = false;
			else if(count == 3) newCell.live = true;
			return newCell;

		public countNeighbors(cell : Cell) {
			var neighbors = 0;
			for(var row = -1; row <=1; row++) {
				for(var col = -1; col <= 1; col++) {
					if(row == 0 && col == 0) continue;
					if(this.isAlive(cell.row + row, cell.col + col)) {
			return neighbors;

		public isAlive(row : number, col : number) {
			if(row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= this.gridSize || col >= this.gridSize) return false;
			return this.world[row][col].live;

		public travelWorld(callback) {
			var result = [];
			for(var row = 0; row < this.gridSize; row++) {
				var rowData = [];
				for(var col = 0; col < this.gridSize; col++) {
					rowData.push(callback(new Cell(row, col, false)));
			return result;

		public draw(cell : Cell) {
			if(this.context == null) this.context = this.createDrawingContext();
			if(this.cellSize == 0) this.cellSize = this.canvasSize/this.gridSize;

			this.context.strokeStyle = this.lineColor;
			this.context.strokeRect(cell.row * this.cellSize, cell.col*this.cellSize, this.cellSize, this.cellSize);
			this.context.fillStyle = cell.live ? this.liveColor : this.deadColor;
			this.context.fillRect(cell.row * this.cellSize, cell.col*this.cellSize, this.cellSize, this.cellSize);

		public createDrawingContext() {
			var canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement> document.getElementById('conway-canvas');
			if(canvas == null) {
					canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
					canvas.id = 'conway-canvas';
					canvas.width = this.canvasSize;
					canvas.height = this.canvasSize;
			return canvas.getContext('2d');

var game = new Conway.GameOfLife();

(function (global, undefined) {
	"use strict";
	undefinedVariable = {};
	undefinedVariable.prop = 5;

	function initializeProperties(target, members) {
		var keys = Object.keys(members);
		var properties;
		var i, len;
		for (i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
			var key = keys[i];
			var enumerable = key.charCodeAt(0) !== /*_*/95;
			var member = members[key];
			if (member && typeof member === 'object') {
				if (member.value !== undefined || typeof member.get === 'function' || typeof member.set === 'function') {
					if (member.enumerable === undefined) {
						member.enumerable = enumerable;
					properties = properties || {};
					properties[key] = member;
			// These next lines will be deleted
			if (!enumerable) {
				properties = properties || {};
				properties[key] = { value: member, enumerable: enumerable, configurable: true, writable: true }
			target[key] = member;
		if (properties) {
			Object.defineProperties(target, properties);

	(function (rootNamespace) {

		// Create the rootNamespace in the global namespace
		if (!global[rootNamespace]) {
			global[rootNamespace] = Object.create(Object.prototype);

		// Cache the rootNamespace we just created in a local variable
		var _rootNamespace = global[rootNamespace];
		if (!_rootNamespace.Namespace) {
			_rootNamespace.Namespace = Object.create(Object.prototype);

		function defineWithParent(parentNamespace, name, members) {
			/// <summary locid="1">
			/// Defines a new namespace with the specified name, under the specified parent namespace.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="parentNamespace" type="Object" locid="2">
			/// The parent namespace which will contain the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="name" type="String" locid="3">
			/// Name of the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="members" type="Object" locid="4">
			/// Members in the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns locid="5">
			/// The newly defined namespace.
			/// </returns>
			var currentNamespace = parentNamespace,
				namespaceFragments = name.split(".");

			for (var i = 0, len = namespaceFragments.length; i < len; i++) {
				var namespaceName = namespaceFragments[i];
				if (!currentNamespace[namespaceName]) {
					Object.defineProperty(currentNamespace, namespaceName, 
						{ value: {}, writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
				currentNamespace = currentNamespace[namespaceName];

			if (members) {
				initializeProperties(currentNamespace, members);

			return currentNamespace;

		function define(name, members) {
			/// <summary locid="6">
			/// Defines a new namespace with the specified name.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="name" type="String" locid="7">
			/// Name of the namespace.  This could be a dot-separated nested name.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="members" type="Object" locid="4">
			/// Members in the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns locid="5">
			/// The newly defined namespace.
			/// </returns>
			return defineWithParent(global, name, members);

		// Establish members of the "WinJS.Namespace" namespace
		Object.defineProperties(_rootNamespace.Namespace, {

			defineWithParent: { value: defineWithParent, writable: true, enumerable: true },

			define: { value: define, writable: true, enumerable: true }



	(function (WinJS) {

		function define(constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers) {
			/// <summary locid="8">
			/// Defines a class using the given constructor and with the specified instance members.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="constructor" type="Function" locid="9">
			/// A constructor function that will be used to instantiate this class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="instanceMembers" type="Object" locid="10">
			/// The set of instance fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="staticMembers" type="Object" locid="11">
			/// The set of static fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns type="Function" locid="12">
			/// The newly defined class.
			/// </returns>
			constructor = constructor || function () { };
			if (instanceMembers) {
				initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, instanceMembers);
			if (staticMembers) {
				initializeProperties(constructor, staticMembers);
			return constructor;

		function derive(baseClass, constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers) {
			/// <summary locid="13">
			/// Uses prototypal inheritance to create a sub-class based on the supplied baseClass parameter.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="baseClass" type="Function" locid="14">
			/// The class to inherit from.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="constructor" type="Function" locid="9">
			/// A constructor function that will be used to instantiate this class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="instanceMembers" type="Object" locid="10">
			/// The set of instance fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="staticMembers" type="Object" locid="11">
			/// The set of static fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns type="Function" locid="12">
			/// The newly defined class.
			/// </returns>
			if (baseClass) {
				constructor = constructor || function () { };
				var basePrototype = baseClass.prototype;
				constructor.prototype = Object.create(basePrototype);
				Object.defineProperty(constructor.prototype, "_super", { value: basePrototype });
				Object.defineProperty(constructor.prototype, "constructor", { value: constructor });
				if (instanceMembers) {
					initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, instanceMembers);
				if (staticMembers) {
					initializeProperties(constructor, staticMembers);
				return constructor;
			} else {
				return define(constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers);

		function mix(constructor) {
			/// <summary locid="15">
			/// Defines a class using the given constructor and the union of the set of instance members
			/// specified by all the mixin objects.  The mixin parameter list can be of variable length.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="constructor" locid="9">
			/// A constructor function that will be used to instantiate this class.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns locid="12">
			/// The newly defined class.
			/// </returns>
			constructor = constructor || function () { };
			var i, len;
			for (i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
				initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, arguments[i]);
			return constructor;

		// Establish members of "WinJS.Class" namespace
		WinJS.Namespace.define("WinJS.Class", {
			define: define,
			derive: derive,
			mix: mix



// Here are some inserted lines
// with some extra comments
(function (global, undefined) {
	"use strict";
	var definedVariable = {};
	definedVariable.prop = 5;

	function initializeProperties(target, members) {
		var keys = Object.keys(members);
		var properties;
		var i, len;
		for (i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
			var key = keys[i];
			var enumerable = key.charCodeAt(0) !== /*_*/95;
			var member = members[key];
			if (member && typeof member === 'object') {
				if (member.value !== undefined || typeof member.get === 'function' || typeof member.set === 'function') {
					if (member.enumerable === undefined) {
						member.enumerable = enumerable;
					properties = properties || {};
					properties[key] = member;
			target[key] = member;
		if (properties) {
			Object.defineProperties(target, properties);

	(function (rootNamespace) {

		// Create the rootNamespace in the global namespace
		if (!global[rootNamespace]) {
			global[rootNamespace] = Object.create(Object.prototype);

		// Cache the rootNamespace we just created in a local variable
		var _rootNamespace = global[rootNamespace];
		if (!_rootNamespace.Namespace) {
			_rootNamespace.Namespace = Object.create(Object.prototype);

		function defineWithParent(parentNamespace, name, members) {
			/// <summary locid="1">
			/// Defines a new namespace with the specified name, under the specified parent namespace.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="parentNamespace" type="Object" locid="2">
			/// The parent namespace which will contain the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="name" type="String" locid="3">
			/// Name of the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="members" type="Object" locid="4">
			/// Members in the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns locid="5">
			/// The newly defined namespace.
			/// </returns>
			var currentNamespace = parentNamespace,
				namespaceFragments = name.split(".");

			for (var i = 0, len = namespaceFragments.length; i < len; i++) {
				var namespaceName = namespaceFragments[i];
				if (!currentNamespace[namespaceName]) {
					Object.defineProperty(currentNamespace, namespaceName, 
						{ value: {}, writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true }
				currentNamespace = currentNamespace[namespaceName];

			if (members) {
				initializeProperties(currentNamespace, members);

			return currentNamespace;

		function define(name, members) {
			/// <summary locid="6">
			/// Defines a new namespace with the specified name.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="name" type="String" locid="7">
			/// Name of the namespace.  This could be a dot-separated nested name.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="members" type="Object" locid="4">
			/// Members in the new namespace.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns locid="5">
			/// The newly defined namespace.
			/// </returns>
			return defineWithParent(global, name, members);

		// Establish members of the "WinJS.Namespace" namespace
		Object.defineProperties(_rootNamespace.Namespace, {

			defineWithParent: { value: defineWithParent, writable: true, enumerable: true },

			define: { value: define, writable: true, enumerable: true }



	(function (WinJS) {

		function define(constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers) {
			/// <summary locid="8">
			/// Defines a class using the given constructor and with the specified instance members.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="constructor" type="Function" locid="9">
			/// A constructor function that will be used to instantiate this class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="instanceMembers" type="Object" locid="10">
			/// The set of instance fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="staticMembers" type="Object" locid="11">
			/// The set of static fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns type="Function" locid="12">
			/// The newly defined class.
			/// </returns>
			constructor = constructor || function () { };
			if (instanceMembers) {
				initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, instanceMembers);
			if (staticMembers) {
				initializeProperties(constructor, staticMembers);
			return constructor;

		function derive(baseClass, constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers) {
			/// <summary locid="13">
			/// Uses prototypal inheritance to create a sub-class based on the supplied baseClass parameter.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="baseClass" type="Function" locid="14">
			/// The class to inherit from.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="constructor" type="Function" locid="9">
			/// A constructor function that will be used to instantiate this class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="instanceMembers" type="Object" locid="10">
			/// The set of instance fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <param name="staticMembers" type="Object" locid="11">
			/// The set of static fields, properties and methods to be made available on the class.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns type="Function" locid="12">
			/// The newly defined class.
			/// </returns>
			if (baseClass) {
				constructor = constructor || function () { };
				var basePrototype = baseClass.prototype;
				constructor.prototype = Object.create(basePrototype);
				Object.defineProperty(constructor.prototype, "_super", { value: basePrototype });
				Object.defineProperty(constructor.prototype, "constructor", { value: constructor });
				if (instanceMembers) {
					initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, instanceMembers);
				if (staticMembers) {
					initializeProperties(constructor, staticMembers);
				return constructor;
			} else {
				return define(constructor, instanceMembers, staticMembers);

		function mix(constructor) {
			/// <summary locid="15">
			/// Defines a class using the given constructor and the union of the set of instance members
			/// specified by all the mixin objects.  The mixin parameter list can be of variable length.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="constructor" locid="9">
			/// A constructor function that will be used to instantiate this class.
			/// </param>
			/// <returns locid="12">
			/// The newly defined class.
			/// </returns>
			constructor = constructor || function () { };
			var i, len;
			for (i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
				initializeProperties(constructor.prototype, arguments[i]);
			return constructor;

		// Establish members of "WinJS.Class" namespace
		WinJS.Namespace.define("WinJS.Class", {
			define: define,
			derive: derive,
			mix: mix



Box Piper

Code Editor

With Rich IntelliSense, Validation and Colorized Features. Supports all languages.

Diff Editor
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About the Editor

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Browser Support

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